e-News December 2021
From Bishop Scarfe
This is my final newsletter piece as Bishop of Iowa. In a few days, I will hand the crozier over to Bishop-elect Betsey, as she becomes the tenth Bishop of Iowa. I hope as many of us as possible are registering for the consecration which we are holding in a venue that more than satisfies our capacity protocol for keeping one another safe.
These past few months you will have read or heard me using examples from Scripture of farewells: Moses looking over into the Promised Land and encouraging the people of Israel to remember their journey; God’s faithfulness, and their need for loyalty to the traditions handed down; Jesus’ call for his disciples to take the Gospel to the ends of the world, and his prayer in John that they might be one in doing so. Clearly, he knew something we didn’t about human nature even in the most sacred of tasks. Paul was to be found sharing the Gospel from his confined place under house arrest, and we get a sense of his inner hopes for his “disciples” in his words to Timothy to remember that "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of courage, love and a sound mind" (2 Timothy 1:7).
During a bishop’s time in office, a couple of consistent prayers come to mind. First, there is the call to “Remember your baptismal vows” as we sprinkle the congregation, and at times, convention, with holy water as an act both of reaffirmation of our promises to God and one another, and in honoring the restored image of Christ within us through our baptism and relationship with Christ.
This is a daily action and an intentional one. Our homes often have sayings framed on the walls, or messages of inspiration perhaps even stuck on our favorite personal mirror. We need reminders of how to be our better selves, and constantly reinviting ourselves to practice the Christ within us expressed in our baptismal vows is an example we might just want to add to our décor.
Secondly, I think of words to Timothy written by Paul, asking him to “Stir up the Spirit given to you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6). I have inscribed them into many a confirmands’ new prayer book at Confirmation. Again it is more of a daily practice in which we make ourselves available to the Spirit to work miracles of grace within us and around us: the grace of forgiveness, love, hope, a reconciling manner, a conscious or mindful living into the presence of God in all things.
Confirmation is about vocation—or being empowered for a vocation God prepares. And this is the third prayer. It isn’t in the Bible in a single phrase as such. But it is everywhere throughout the Bible, and that is the question, “What will God do with this one?” These were words from a humble Welsh pastor, Douglas Evans, who was my pastor growing up, and this was his prayer over all of us on a daily basis. He once jokingly said that if I felt called to a professional career in ministry, I should try the Anglicans and their hierarchical system where at least you can become a bishop and influence a human system for Christ. Like Jesus, he knew a thing or two about human nature.
God is never finished with us in the vocation aspect of our lives. We are always called into new things, and of course, the ultimate call is into God’s living presence. We prepare for this as a daily action too.
Finally, there is the prayer of reaffirmation itself when we ask “the Spirit who has begun a good work in you to direct and uphold you in the service of Christ and God’s kingdom." Before COVID came along, it was a joy to invite the whole congregation forward for this prayer with the laying on of hands. And I remember the times clergy would come up to give me the names of the people as they processed forward, and would be moved to tears as they recited their names, knowing as good pastors the fuller circumstances of their members.
With this same prayer for God’s Spirit to direct and uphold you, I offer my farewell as your Bishop.
In the peace and love of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa
P.S. As we go to press we heard the news from Swaziland:
The Synod of Bishops for the Anglican Church of Southern Africa met 2 December 2021 and elected The Very Rev. Dr. Dalcy Dlamini as Bishop-Elect for the Diocese of Swaziland. She succeeds Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya, who died of Covid-related causes early in 2021. We join in lifting prayers for her upcoming ministry alongside the people of the Diocese of Swaziland. READ MORE
10:00-11:00am Presiding Bishop to meet with Diocesan Clergy at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown
11:00-12:00pm Clergy lunch at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown
3:00-4:30pm Consecration rehearsal for those involved in the service at Lutheran Church of Hope, 925 Jordan Creek Parkway, West Des Moines
11:00am Consecration Service followed by a reception at Lutheran Church of Hope. Congregations are invited to bring a banner and stand for the processional. A diocesan choir is being formed, please fill out the RSVP to join. The entire service will be live-streamed, so you can join us in real time if you are unable or prefer not to attend in person.
10:00am Holy Eucharist and Seating of the 10th Bishop of Iowa at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedralin Des Moines. The entire service will be live-streamed, so you can join us in real time if you are unable or prefer not to attend in person. RSVP to attend in person.
A block of rooms is reserved at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown at a rate of $110 per night. Use this link to reserve a room or call (515) 245-5500 and let them know you are booking a room for the Consecration of the 10th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. Reservations at the discounted rate must be made by December 6.
Masks are required for all Consecration events. Thank you for helping keep each other safe and healthy this joyous weekend!
Volunteers are needed in several areas, at various times during Consecration weekend, including: Greeters, Ushers, Drivers, Runners, Food Servers, and Clean Up. Can you help? Please sign up by Dec. 10.
Upcoming Ordination Information
JOIN THE ZOOM Meeting ID: 849 9276 7869 Passcode: 105285
Click on the image to go to our Spotify Playlist for a bit of musical cheer. Have a song you'd like added? Email it to tpetty@iowaepiscopal.org
Diocesan Christmas Playlist
It's back! The Diocesan Christmas Playlist we created last year from your favorite holiday songs is available to listen to again this year.
Safe Church - Safe Communities
New Training Courses
Starting on January 1, 2022 all leaders in within congregations will need to complete the new Safe Church, Safe Communities training courses. A new chart has been put together by The Episcopal Churches Safe Church Task Group and is available now on our website. All leaders will have six months to complete the new training modules on the Praesidium website. Please contact your congregation's administrator to set you up in the system. In-person may be available later this year.
Policy Adoption
If your congregation has not already done so, you are directed to adopt the new diocesean policy or submit adaptions to the diocesan office. The policy consists of three segments: Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children & Youth, Vulnerable Adults, and Pastoral Relationships. The policy can be found on the Safe Church page on our diocesan website and can be found HERE as well.
Church governing bodies and all leaders should understand these policies and all local requirements thoroughly enough to make appropriate judgments and should consult with the Office of the Bishop when unanticipated situations arise. Therefore it is up to each congregation to take this policy and revise it to fit the needs of their congregation. Vestries are asked to fill out this FORM that they have been given the updated policies. Leaders may also upload changes your vestry is suggesting be made to fit the needs of your congregation.
Mental Health
Children, Youth and Family Mental Health Funds Request Form
The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has funds available to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments for children, youth, and families. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request FORM is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
You can find more information and resources HERE or email the team at bhmt@iowaepiscopal.org.
Behavioral Health Ministries News
Thanksgiving has come and gone and hopefully you were able to share a meal with good friends and family, and with thanksgiving for all the blessings we recognize and especially for the ones we do not always recognize.
Developing a practice of daily gratitude can change your life. Keeping a gratitude journal is one way to do this practice. As recent as August 2021, Harvard Heath Publishing did a piece on how giving thanks can make you feel happier. Google gratitude and you will find many resources, studies, and proponents of the positive wellbeing which people experience who practice gratitude.To read more from the BHMT Newsletter click HERE or visit our WEBPAGE.
Youth Ministry
Ski Trip 2022
February 4-6, Camp Sacajawea/Seven Oaks, Boone
Join us for fun and fellowship as we spend the weekend in the snow! Come to Camp Sacajawea on Friday evening, spend the day on the slopes Saturday with friends at Seven Oaks and worship with one another on Sunday morning!
Registration will be done a little differently this year. Instead of churches registering, each family will register individually. Visit our website for COVID-19 protocol and register.
Youth Registration - $50
Adult Registration - $30
Ski/Snowboard (12 & under) - $56.76
Ski/Snowboard (13 & up) - 74.04
Ski/Snowboard fees include lift ticket, ski/snowboard rental, and helmet. Lunch will be on your own.
Email questions to Amy Mellies or Dale Schirmer at registration@youthskitrip.com
Mark Your Calendar
Happening #48 (9th-12th) - March 25-27, Christ Church, Cedar Rapids
New Beginnings #24 (6th-9th) - April 22-24, St. Andrew’s, Des Moines
EPIC Summer Camp (4th-12th) - July 5-8, Christian Conference Center, Newton
Stay up-to-date on all of our upcoming events at: https://www.iowaepiscopal.org/children-youth
End of the Year Reminders for Congregations
Remember that charitable donations must be received or postmarked no later than December 31, 2021, in order to apply to 2021.
Approve and return your congregation's 2022 Stewardship Share pledge from the Diocesan office.
Remit final payments due for 2021 Stewardship Share, Iowa Connections, and Revolving Fund Loans to the Diocesan office.
Remit amounts collected in 2021 for special offerings (Bishop's Discretionary Fund, United Thank Offering, Episcopal Relief & Development, Good Friday Offering, and Theological Seminary Support) to the Diocesan office.
Send a copy of your 2020 Church Audit/Financial Review to the Diocesan Office. This annual review is a requirement for all Episcopal Churches due September 1 each year.
Designate a 2022 Housing Allowance for your Priest.
Update your church's subscription list for Iowa Connections. Diocesan policy requires that every Episcopal household receive this quarterly mailing. For more information, contact Elizabeth Adams at eadams@iowaepiscopal.org.
Review and renew Licensed Ministries for your congregation that were issued in 1999 as they are due to expire on December 31, 2021. https://www.iowaepiscopal.org/licensed-lay-ministries
Podcast Corner
Hope and Joy: Bedtime Bible Meditations for Children
A meditative evening podcast for children ages 5-12 years-old and the whole family. Each week explores a spiritual theme - what does it mean to children? what does the Bible say about it? - and ends with a meditation and evening prayer that encourages children to relax into sleep surrounded by God's love. Episode 1-4 are based on Advent (Hope, Peace, Joy & Love).
Written and produced by Joyce Chanay and Hope Newhouse, Sunday School parents and parishioners of The American Cathedral in Paris. Featuring music by the Choirs of The American Cathedral in Paris.
Diocesan staff will be on a break between Christmas and New Year, December 24 - January 3.
They will get back to you as soon as they can after the holidays.