e-News August 2022
From Bishop Monnot
Lambeth Conference
Fall Chapter Meeting
Becoming Beloved Community
Church Audits
Diocesan Convention
Behavioral Health Ministry Team
General Convention
Safe Church
Youth Ministry
Province VI
Young Adults
Educational Opportunities
From Bishop Monnot
Reflections on General Convention
In the promised abundant life of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, Bishop of Iowa
"Walking together is at the heart of what we are doing here at the Lambeth Conference, and that work is going well. Know that the real work of reflection, relationship, and growing in love for Christ and one another is happening. The atmosphere is overwhelmingly one of hospitality, curiosity, and desire to build and nurture connection..."
-excerpt from Bishop Monnot's
8/3/2022 Update
Our Iowa - Swaziland (eSwatini) - Brechin companion bishops found each other, and are planning for some post-conference time in Scotland together.
Bishop Betsey (Iowa) and Bishop Richard (Nzara) at Lambeth
Bishops from around the Anglican Communion sign statement affirming and celebrating LGBTQ+ people.
The conference community took part in the launch of the Anglican Communion Forest: a global initiative comprising local activities of forest protection, tree growing and eco-system restoration undertaken by provinces, dioceses and individual churches across the Anglican Communion to safeguard creation.
SAVE THE DATE: Celebration of Ministry and Welcome of New Rector, The Rev Kyle Carswell - St. Timothy’s Church-West Des Moines, Saturday, September 10, 7:00 pm
Becoming Beloved Community
Dismantling Racism: Training for Church Leaders
Dismantling Racism: Training for Church Leaders is a training day that is required of all lay and ordained leaders in The Episcopal Church (including vestries, search committees, diocesan leadership, etc.). Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege. The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm.
Church Audits
Due September 1st:
Church Audits: Send a copy of your 2021 Church Audit/Financial Review to the Diocesan Office. This annual review is a requirement for all Episcopal churches, and is due September 1st each year.
Diocesan Convention
2022 Deadlines:
September 1 - Written Reports to Convention Due
September 15 - Early Bird Discount Ends - $25 late fee will be applied to all registrations after this date
September 19 (40 days) - Submission of Nominations to Nominations Committee
Submission of Resolutions to Resolutions Committee
September 29 (30 days) - Reports to Convention available to all delegates and alternate delegates
Nominating Committee Report with biographical sketch available to delegates and alternate delegates
Certification of Delegates
October 6 - Group Rate at Marriott closes
October 19 - Last day to register for Meals and Visitors
You must register to receive the Zoom link. The Zoom information is the same for all 4 hearings so you only need to register once.
Email Tina Austin to reserve your table in the exhibit hall.
Behavioral Health Ministries Team
The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has funds available to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments for children, youth, and families. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request FORM is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan Office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
You can find more information and resources HERE or email the team at bhmt@iowaepiscopal.org.
BHMT News - August
Back to School is right around the corner. It can be really exciting to see friends again, new classes, fun activities, maybe even some new clothes. Back to school can also cause kids and their parents some real anxiety. School culture can encourage growth, curiosity, trying out and discovering who a person will become. The culture can also suppress, bully, and dimmish a person so much they may become suicidal. What may look like “a simple disagreement or break-up” of a relationship may be a devastating blow. Not being in the “in” crowd or any crowd for that matter can make the school experience a real struggle. For kids or anyone who become despondent or in crisis, there is a new national suicide/crisis hotline. 988 is the crisis hotline which is run by professionals who know how to respond to suicidal crises 24/7. No longer do folks need to call 911. The 988 number can and will handle mental health emergency calls!
Click below to read more.
General Convention
Interim Bodies
Apply for appointment to the various interim bodies created by General Convention. These committees, commissions, and task forces carry out the work of The Episcopal Church between conventions.
Applications are due Aug. 12, and initial appointments will be made in September by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Julia Ayala Harris. The appointment process for task forces may continue through the fall as additional committees are formed.
GC80 Baltimore
A huge thank you to our Iowa deputies to General Convention 2022 for their commitment and ministry! An incredible amount of work was done in a short time.
Stay tuned...more on GC80, including reflections from deputies, will be in the next issue of Iowa Connections magazine and on the diocesan website.
Safe Church Training and Administration
Safeguarding is now:
Safe Church, Safe Communities
New online platform = Praesidium Academy
Each congregation should have a Safe Church Administrator. Contact your Administrator to get set up in Praesidium Academy online so you can complete your required courses.
Who needs to take the training?
<--- See diagram to the left
Which courses do I need to take?
Depends on your role -
See the chart HERE for which courses (#1-9) you should take.
There are 8 new active courses, and a 9th is soon to be added. When you login, you may need to scroll toward the bottom of the page to find them.
For Administrators
We have added a new section to the Safe Church, Safe Communities website just for Administrators. This page has detailed information on how to set new users up in the system, the course requirement chart, and a Frequently Asked Question section regarding training and policy adoption.
Questions? Contact Amy Mellies at amellies@iowaepiscopal.org
Youth Ministry
Where are the Children?
This is a question I have been getting a lot recently, and one that I keep contemplating as well. I think this video sums it up perfectly. As YMDT is planning out our next year the points in this video are ones we will be considering. If your congregation has been wondering the same thing, take some time to watch this short video and read this article called "Be the Church that Embraces Children, not just Tolerates Them," and discuss. I would love to share in your discussion if you would like.
Amy Mellies - Missioner for Children and Youth
Blessing of the Backpacks
Join us on Sunday, August 21st at 7:00 pm for a Blessing of the backpacks. We will have a short service and send the youth off to another great year of school.
Register below so we can get a backpack tag sent to you and some other goodies!
Diocesan Convention Youth Delegation
We are looking for Youth Delegates to the 170th diocesan convention, October 29-30. If you are 16+ and confirmed we invite you to apply to represent the youth of the diocese with voice and vote at convention. What does that mean? It means you get to discuss the topics at hand, share your opinion, and vote on the issues that matter to the youth of the diocese.
Youth Delegates stay overnight in the Marriott with other delegates, all meals are covered and guaranteed swim time! Apply below!
EpisGOpal Race
The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up to bring you the 3rd Annual Great EpisGOpal Race!
Through this race, we hope to promote the practice of gratitude for our bodies, environments, communities, and neighbors.
The funds raised from this race will support EMM’s Neighbor to Neighbor initiative and the 2022 UTO Ingathering. Neighbor to Neighbor is a program offered by EMM, which was founded through funding from a UTO grant. Neighbor to Neighbor directly trains and provides support to faith communities who serve as community sponsors for their new neighbors. Anytime between September 3 - September 11, choose your preferred mode and distance and race for good. You can bike a 10K, run a half marathon, or skate a mile—the options are limitless. Let’s race together in gratitude!
Province VI
There are so many issues common to individuals and families living in rural towns and worshipping in small congregations. The agenda is simple – let’s create a space to bring questions, to share the “WOW”s and the “OOPS”s of ministry, and to remind one another that we are not alone in this journey.
Our initial gathering will be held on Tuesday September 6, 2022, beginning at 6:30 MT/ 7:30 CT.
We will provide space via a virtual connection on the first Tuesday of each month. Come when you can – there is no expectation that people will be able to join each time.
Young Adults
Internships available for Fall 2022, and beyond.
WHO: Young Adults 18+, no leadership experience needed
WHY: Groups let us know that we belong. They are places to tell stories, ask questions, goof around and share life. At its best, ministry is all about gathering folks in small groups to show folks they are loved--no matter what.
Educational Opportunities
Center for Social Ministry
JustFaith Ministries programs offered by the Center for Social Ministry. All the following classes are:
8 weeks
Online via Zoom
$80, includes books, an opportunity to talk with a local community member, and an immersion experience
Meets: Mondays, Sept 12 - Nov 7, 2022 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Zeb Treloar
Meets: Tuesdays, Sept 20 – Nov 15, 2022 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Facilitators: Jean McCarthy and Kathleen Milligan
Meets: Wednesdays, Oct 5 - Dec 7, 2022 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Facilitators: Jeanie Smith and McB McManus
Project Resources Fall 2022 Training
"Project Resource is not a curriculum. It is a way of understanding stewardship as a ministry, essential for the spiritual health of individuals and communities. It is a way of learning to be in right relationship to the resources in our hands."
5 consecutive Sundays, September 11 to October 9, 2022; 4:00 to 6:00 pm CT via Zoom
Project Resource teaches culture and systems change around financial development in the worldwide Episcopal Church. Project Resource provides teaching, focus, and adaptable resources to equip clergy and lay leaders to develop their year-round annual stewardship campaigns and to plan, ask for, and receive major gifts.
Iowa Interfaith Power & Light
We've been busy at Iowa Interfaith Power & Light creating opportunities for our supporters like you to take climate action in Iowa. From Iowa Gives Green, Faith in the Prairie, Season of Growth, to the 2022 Green Team Summit just to name a few are coming up in the next month or so.
Faith in the Prairie: Documentary Screening, Tours, & Fellowship on August 13th at 1pm in Cedar Falls
Join Iowa IPL, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and ThreeHouse Collaborative Campus Ministries for an afternoon to learn more about Iowa's prairies, climate action, and integrating faith.
We hope you can join us for this free climate action packed day of learning, experiencing creation, and fellowship. More details to be announced in the upcoming weeks.