e-News July 2022
From Bishop Monnot
GILEAD Grants (applications due July 15)
Youth Ministry: Summer Camp
General Convention in July
Young Adult Retreat in August (register by July 20)
Upcoming Ordination: Abigail Livingood
Becoming Beloved Community: Dismantling Racism
Behavioral Health Ministry Team: Funds Available
Mileage Rate Change
Church Audits (due Sept. 1)
Safe Church: Training & Administration
Fall Joint Chapter Meeting (register by Aug. 24)
GILEAD Grant Spotlight: 2021 Recipients
Episcopal Latino Ministry: Competency Course
Province VI: Small Church Gatherings
Diocesan Convention deadlines
Identify Scam Emails
Summer Ministry School and Retreat 2022 has come and gone, and it was my privilege to be a part of it for the first time. After three years’ of COVID-required hiatus, we gathered together in Grinnell and spent time worshiping, learning, and simply being together. Many, many thanks are due to the Rev. Kathleen Milligan and the Rev. Jean McCarthy for agreeing to take the lead for this year. I think everyone who attended would agree that SMSR is an important and valuable part of our life together as a diocese. I found myself strengthened by the presence of everyone who was there and inspired as I continue in the work that God has called me to do.
On the first day of SMSR, Friday June 24, the Supreme Court handed down its ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and declaring that the right of a pregnant person to terminate the pregnancy is not protected in the United States Constitution. This news was greeted, of course, with strong reactions of many kinds. It is no small thing for the Supreme Court to take away a right that it had previously granted, and abortion is a subject that has always inspired particularly intense emotions.
The Episcopal Church has a strong legislative history related to abortion and access to healthcare for pregnant people. Since 1967 we have maintained our “unequivocal opposition to any legislation on the part of the national or state governments which would abridge or deny the right of individuals to reach informed decisions [about the termination of pregnancy] and to act upon them.” (Click here to see the full article with links to specific legislation). At the same time “we emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience.” The Episcopal Church recognizes that this issue is complex and that our response must be equally nuanced. Blanket statements, even those that receive many “likes” on social media, can only be inadequate as a response to any question about an issue as complex as abortion.
As Episcopalians, we always reserve to ourselves the right to differ in our own personal opinions from whatever The Episcopal Church might state formally, and that is as it should be. However, as Christians baptized in the name of the Trinity, as people who regularly reaffirm our Baptismal Covenant, as people who week by week proclaim our faith in the words of the Nicene Creed, as believers in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, as people committed to live as disciples of Jesus informed by the witness of Holy Scripture, it is our responsibility to ground our personal opinions in the teachings of our faith. This isn’t easy, and it is far more challenging than simply following our gut or going along with whatever our secular political ideas might be or agreeing with the statements of leaders of our preferred political party.
When emotionally weighty and complex issues such as the right to abortion come up, I urge you to do the difficult work of learning about the details of the subject and considering it in all its nuances in the light of your faith. I join Paul in begging you to “lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.” (Ephesians 4:1b-6)
We Episcopalians in Iowa are one in Christ. Let us bear with one another in love and do the hard work of discussing difficult issues as disciples of Jesus and not as members of secular political parties. Finally, let us seek not our own wills, but let us seek the mind of Christ in this and in all matters.
In the promised abundant life of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, Bishop of Iowa
Don't wait! There are only a couple of time slots left to meet with the Grant Committee (required before submitting an application). Contact Traci Ruhland Petty at tpetty@iowaepiscopal.org to sign up.
Learn More About GILEAD Grants
Wondering what types of projects and ideas have received GILEAD Grants? Check out what has been funded these past two years:
EPIC Summer Camp: July 5-8, 2022
A Prayer for Campers & Staff:
“May the sun bring you new energy by day. May the moon softly restore you by night. May the rain wash away your worries. May the breeze blow new strength into your being. May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.”
General Convention
To keep up with our deputies and what's happening at General Convention, keep an eye on our Facebook page:
For a list of our deputies and an overview of General Convention, visit our website:
For more comprehensive information, visit the 80th General Convention's Website:
Young Adults
Are you looking for some time to rest and reset? Join us for a Young Adult (18+) Retreat at Prairiewoods Retreat Center. Cost is $100 per person. Spots are limited and first come, first serve until full (or until July 20, whichever comes first).
Upcoming Ordinations
Becoming Beloved Community
Dismantling Racism: Training for Church Leaders
Dismantling Racism: Training for Church Leaders is a training day that is required of all lay and ordained leaders in The Episcopal Church (including vestries, search committees, diocesan leadership, etc.). Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege. The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm.
REGISTER: August 27
Behavioral Health Ministries Team
Children, Youth and Family Mental Health Funds Request Form
The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has funds available to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments for children, youth, and families. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request FORM is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan Office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.
You can find more information and resources HERE or email the team at bhmt@iowaepiscopal.org.
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022, the IRS standard mileage rate for business will increase to 62.5¢ per mile for the remainder of 2022.
Church Audits
Due September 1st:
Church Audits: Send a copy of your 2021 Church Audit/Financial Review to the Diocesan Office. This annual review is a requirement for all Episcopal churches, and is due September 1st each year.
Safeguarding is now:
Safe Church, Safe Communities
Questions? Contact Amy Mellies at amellies@iowaepiscopal.org
New online platform = Praesidium Academy
Each congregation should have a Safe Church Administrator. Contact yours to get set up in Praesidium Academy online so you can complete your required courses.
For Administrators
We have added a new section to the Safe Church, Safe Communities website just for Administrators. This page has detailed information on how to set new users up in the system, the course requirement chart, and a Frequently Asked Question section regarding training and policy adoption.
Who needs to take the training?
<--- See diagram to the left
Which courses do I need to take?
Depends on your role - See the chart HERE for which courses (#1-9) you should take.
There are 8 new active courses, and a 9th is soon to be added. When you login, you may need to scroll toward the bottom of the page to find them.
Fall Chapter Meeting
You must register to receive the Zoom link. Register by August 24th.
GILEAD Grant Spotlight:
2021 Recipients
Grants are funded from the GILEAD Campaign. Remember to fulfill your pledge so we can continue to support grants like these. To learn about the other grants funded from your generous gifts, click here for 2020 grantees and click here for 2021 grantees.
Trinity Cush is the newest congregation in the diocese, the first South Sudanese congregation, and currently shares space with St. Andrew’s Des Moines. They received 3 different GILEAD Grants to help make the liturgical space their own, furnish their office space, and offer a class to their youth and young adults.
Teachers for Youth
Formation for Youth or Young Adults Grant
The class for youth and young adults will teach them about the Bible, common prayer, and culture and language (Dinka & English). This program aims to teach youth about the Bible and to keep the word of the Lord to their heart, to offer support to not fall into peer pressure with substance use, drinking, fighting, and to encourage youth to turn to God and the church for support in how to live everyday life. Grant funds will be used to pay 2 teachers who speak and write both Dinka and English, for 4 hours per week for 1 year.
Enriching Worship Space
Liturgical Space Renewal Grant
Trinity Cush plans to make the liturgical space their own by acquiring music equipment and items needed to better hear and see the service, both in-person and online. Being able to have services, and deliver the word of God, during COVID has been very difficult because of the lack of music and equipment needed. Songs are a very important part of the worship, to encourage everyone to keep the word of the life and have great faith in daily life. Grant funds will be used to purchase items that will enrich their worship space, including a keyboard, sound system, and laptop.
Office Tools & Technology
Expanding Tools & Technology Grant
Trinity Cush plans to furnish the space and acquire needed technology. A comfortable and well-organized space will allow for the welcoming of visitors and the administration of the church, including keeping documentation in a safe, organized place, and being able to fulfill congregational reporting requirements. Grant funds will be used to purchase office tools and technology, including a desktop computer, desk, chair, printer, shredder, shelves, and file cabinet.
Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency
In person: Aug. 13-20
Registration deadline is July 15 - Register HERE
Registration is open for upcoming sessions of the Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course, an innovative multiday intensive course, and Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course, a five-day intensive course, designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain practical knowledge and cultural competency for Latino/Hispanic ministry.
“Combining academic learning with hands-on experience, the purpose of this multi-faceted intensive course is to provide cultural competency of the history, culture, socio-demographic, and religious aspects of the Latinos/Hispanics in the United States,” said the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Episcopal Church missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries. “Also, this course will provide the foundational tools necessary for church leaders to discern and explore the type of Latino/Hispanic ministry that best fits a congregational setting and its context.”
EpisGOpal Race
The United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are teaming up to bring you the 3rd Annual Great EpisGOpal Race!
Through this race, we hope to promote the practice of gratitude for our bodies, environments, communities, and neighbors.
The funds raised from this race will support EMM’s Neighbor to Neighbor initiative and the 2022 UTO Ingathering. Neighbor to Neighbor is a program offered by EMM, which was founded through funding from a UTO grant. Neighbor to Neighbor directly trains and provides support to faith communities who serve as community sponsors for their new neighbors. Anytime between September 3 - September 11, choose your preferred mode and distance and race for good. You can bike a 10K, run a half marathon, or skate a mile—the options are limitless. Let’s race together in gratitude!
The Rev. Karen Wacome will retire from her work as active priest with Church of the Savior-Orange City, effective July 1.
On July 5, Trinity Church in Waterloo welcomes the Rev. Abigail Livingood who will serve with them as Priest-in-Charge after her ordination there on July 23 (1pm).
Province VI
There are so many issues common to individuals and families living in rural towns and worshipping in small congregations. The agenda is simple – let’s create a space to bring questions, to share the “WOW”s and the “OOPS”s of ministry, and to remind one another that we are not alone in this journey.
Our initial gathering will be held on Tuesday September 6, 2022, beginning at 6:30 MT/ 7:30 CT.
We will provide space via a virtual connection on the first Tuesday of each month. Come when you can – there is no expectation that people will be able to join each time.
Sept. 1 Written Reports to Convention Due
Sept. 19 (40 days) Submission of Nominations to Nominations Committee
Sept. 19 (40 days) Submission of Resolutions to Resolutions Committee
Sept. 29 (30 days) Reports to Convention available to all delegates and alternate delegates
Sept. 29 (30 days) Nominating Committee Report w/biographical sketch available to delegates and alternate delegates
Sept. 29 (30 days) Certification of Delegates
Identify Scam Emails
It seems we are in another season in which scam emails (designed to look like they come from our bishop or the bishop's staff), are increasing in frequency. Please remember that the bishop and the bishop's staff only use emails that end in iowaepiscopal.org for diocesan business. If you receive an email with the bishop's name, but from another email address, it is a scam. To learn how to report scam emails, click here.